Thursday, December 17, 2009

8.11. run
8.11.1. run host
rocks run host [host...] {command} {managed} [command=string]

Run a command for each specified host.


Zero, one or more host names. If no host names are supplied, the command is run on all known hosts.

The command to run on the list of hosts.

Run the command only on 'managed' hosts, that is, hosts that generally have an ssh login. Default is 'yes'.


Can be used in place of the 'command' argument.


$ rocks run host compute-0-0 command="hostname"
Run the command 'hostname' on compute-0-0.

$ rocks run host compute "ls /tmp"
Run the command 'ls /tmp/' on all compute nodes.

8.11.2. run roll
rocks run roll [roll...]

Installs a Roll on the fly


List of rolls. This should be the roll base name (e.g., base, hpc, kernel).


# rocks run roll viz
Installs the Viz Roll onto the current system.

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