Wednesday, September 30, 2009


be complicated by

These estimates, however, were complicated by the whole-genome shotgun sequence assembly (WGSA) method, which cannot resolve large, highly identical duplications.

This study was complicated by the absence in this strain of the NK1.1 allele, the only one for which an antibody is available.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


In two of the most extreme cases of discrepancy

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009


1. crucial

A crucial question in the field of gene regulation is whether...

Chronic inflammation in fat plays a crucial role in the

has a crucial role in the

2. key

the following two key questions were identified

One of the key questions in climate change research relates to the future dynamics

3. critical

To resolve the critical question of accurate identification of the macrophages

When multiple outcomes are assessed, a critical question to be considered is whether
these should be examined separately or somehow integrated,

reveal a critical role in

4. essential
The essential problem here is to find a feasible path from a source

So this raises the essential questions

The essential questions are as follows

5. vital

6. pivotal
This question is pivotal to the business-case issue

7. extremely important

8. fundamental

Friday, September 18, 2009





Thursday, September 17, 2009


1. extremely costly


a. This can be extremely costly and ineffective. 这可能特别费钱,而且没多大效果

b. Drug addiction is a common brain disorder that is extremely costly to the individual and to society.

c. This task is extremely difficult. 这项任务极其困难

2. highly

3. exceedingly
The mix of science, epistemology, and politics is exceedingly novel, exceedingly
in- teresting, and exceedingly important.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


tend to be

Filtered reads tend to be shorter because a larger proportion of the long reads are instrument artifacts related to the base addition order.

sequencing process

We generated at least 6 human genome coverage of sequence per week-long run. Each full run consisted of 50 channels distributed across two flow cells. We combined data from four instrument runs, during which 172 of the 200 channels were loaded with P0 genomic DNA. Sequence data were mapped to the NCBI 36 reference human genome (hg18) using the open-source aligner IndexDP; 63% of the raw reads were aligned (Fig. 1a), yielding a total useful coverage of 28.
Toward this end

Towards this end, the paper also briefly describes


Ultimately, understanding the details of these regulatory pathways will provide
insights into the role of the

This question is important to the ultimate understanding of the causes of mass
extinction and also influences the format of any statistical analysis.

Ultimately, understanding the behaviour of each mutation, and analysing it thoroughly
for each patient, could allow us to develop sound correlations between ...



Tuesday, September 15, 2009


1. strengths and weaknesses

a. will therefore have different strengths and weaknesses

b. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses and may be suitable for different circumstances.


What are the strengths and weaknesses of these mechanism?

2. merits and limits
In this paper, we evaluated the merits and limits of endoscopic neck surgery.

Finally, results from different methods are compared, and the merits and
limits of various methodological choices are discussed.

3. opportunities and limitations
opportunities and limitations of drug therapy in prevention of sudden death

4. Promises and pitfalls

5. Challenges and Opportunities

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


An issue of particular importance is to what extent the data exhibit a “lane effect,”

Friday, September 4, 2009


according to ....

According to this model one would expect to find differentiation into

According to our results this does not seem to occur frequently

No significant differences were observed when results were analyzed according to previous treatment.

As expected, these estimates of probability did not differ according to the results
of the stress test

in terms of

The results are analyzed in terms of

this data profile is described in terms of the parameters α and β in eq. (1)
用参数α 和 β 来描述数据

evaluates groups of yeast genes in terms of their annotations in

in the light of

In the light of these changes, we must revise our plan.
鉴于这些变化, 我们必须重新修订我们的计划。

on the basis of

in accordance with the above views

in accordance to
依照, 根据, 与…一致 (law)

In accordance to your request, I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary.

All procedures were performed in accordance to specifications of institutionally approved animal protocols.


as a result, = as the matter of fact == as a consequence.. 因此,所以,想当于so

So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this

as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word

as a result of == as a consequence of

due to

due to the fact that...


the list of most likely candidate genes ...

that are most likely to provide valid results

This effect is most likely to be mediated by a phosphorylation event

those factors that are most likely to be involved in the phenotype

The maximum range and the most possible value of ..

In this situation, the most possible mechanism seems to be occlusion.

The most possible mechanism for explaining this 。。 is ..

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Free MSVC tools + Activestate to compile CPAN Modules

Free MSVC tools + Activestate to compile CPAN Modules

by jZed | Log in | Create a new user | The Monastery Gates | Super Search |
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on Aug 31, 2004 at 00:03 UTC ( #387070=perlmeditation: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help??
update In the YMMV vein, please see shay's Re: Building Perl with the free MSVC tools. The method below will apparently only work for some modules. I tried with DBI, DBD::SQLite, and Text::CSV_XS and they all work fine, so this method is useful for me regardless of what other modules it will or won't work with.

I got a new winXP box and wanted to be able to use perl (well, duh!) and to compile my own versions of CPAN modules without using cygqin bash or purchasing a compiler from Microsoft (not so duh, but not so hard either).

After attempting unsuccessfully to follow Building Perl with the free MSVC tools and through no fault of the excellent advice of corion++, intrepid++, demerphq++, I gave up and tried to just use the free tools to compile modules with activestate perl ... success!
Here's how:

Caution: these are humongous downloards (hundreds of mb). corion has a script which hopefully he'll share to wget just the needed portions. But here's how I did it with the full (*free* as in beer) downloads:

Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
Download and install Microsoft SDK Platform Update
Download and install .NET redistributable
Download and install .NET SDK
Set environment to recognize the bin/lib/inc dirs for all of those (update these assume the default install paths, but see demerphq's points below for reasons you might want to use short path names instead and for alternate ways to set the environment):
@echo off
set MSVC=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
set MSSDK=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7
set Mstools=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK

set INCLUDE=%MSVC%\include;%MSSDK%\include;%Mstools%\include
set LIB=%MSVC%\lib;%MSSDK%\lib;%Mstools%\Lib;
set PATH=%MSVC%\bin;%MSSDK%\bin;%Mstools%\Bin;%Mstools%\Bin\WinNT;%PATH%
Download and install the latest (*free as in speech*) perl binary
Download and install (*free as in speech*) cygwin (or just grab the needed tools - gzip, tar, cat, etc.)
You can now use PPM or or CPANPLUS or nmake to compile and install (many) CPAN modules ... Enjoy!
update : made URLs into links per bart's suggestion


However, the findings of 。。。 suggest that the connection may be more complex.

On the basis of our data, we suggest that

Taken together, these results suggest that

To accomplish this, we suggest that researchers must clearly address


Thus, it is reasonable to ask whether 。。。


it seemed reasonable to ask whether

leading us to ask whether。。。

it makes sense to ask whether。。。

It may now be insufficient to ask whether

we might ask whether it might be。。


This apparent paradox has been at least partially explained in recent years through

最近几年,通过。。。 这个明显的矛盾至少部分已经被解释。。。

This paradox may be attributable in part to


One discrepancy between .. and .. remains unexplained.


This discrepancy might be explained by ... results


The reason for this discrepancy has never been explained adequately.


This discrepancy could be explained by either 1) 。。。 2)


The inconsistent results of association studies in behavioral genetics are usually
explained by the fact that ...


The reason is that the universality of contradiction can be explained more briefly