Wednesday, April 28, 2010

sge to pbs

service pbs_server restart
service maui restart

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


>>> Are you talking about the database contents of
>>> the wiggle data, or the source ascii files that
>>> are given to wigEncode ?
>>> If they are just the source ascii files, they
>>> can all go together with 'cat':
>>> $ cat files*.wig > result.wig
>>> If they have custom track and browser lines in them:
>>> $ egrep -v "^track|^browser" files*.wig > result.wig
>>> Or, all these can be sent into wigEncode:
>>> $ egrep -v "^track|^browser" files*.wig | wigEncode stdin result.wig
>>> result.wib
>>> We now try to distinguish source files with the suffix:
>>> .wigFixed or .wigVar
>>> for fixedStep or variableStep wiggle ascii data.
>>> You may also be interested in the more efficient
>>> encoding mechanism of wigToBigWig and the resulting .bw
>>> file which can be a URL resource. See also:
>>> This encoder works for bedGraph file types too and is
>>> much more efficient: